Pesticides or Ecocide: The Effects of Agricultural Pesticides on Human and Wildlife Health

By: Alyssa Cassini, Michelle Hazlett, and Gabby Kase

Environmental impacts from pesticide use
Source: Mike Coots

     America’s current social institutions force the nation’s citizens to be extremely dependent on the agricultural industry. Our resource-based culture has required farmers to produce billions of pounds of food and other resources each year, much of which goes to waste. To keep up with the demand and help ensure they produce the most goods with the smallest amount of input possible, farmers turn to various pesticides and other chemicals. While chemicals do prevent pests and and diseases from harming plants and livestock, they also are absorbed into the product or run-off into our water supply. In the latter half of the 20th century, research has shown the detrimental health effects these chemicals have on humans and other animals. These health concerns disproportionately affect certain demographics such as lower class and minority communities due to a lack of access to and ability to afford pesticide free foods. The use of agricultural pesticides and other chemicals is an enormous public and environmental health issue that requires immediate systematic and industrial change. In order to prevent more health concerns, our society as a whole must learn to adopt a more ecocentric view and work with nature instead of manipulating it.



Environmental Justice



Table of Contents:

Dependency on the Agriculture Industry

Pesticide Use in Farming

Effects on Human Health

Environmental Justice

Effects on Wildlife

Alternative Farming Options



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