The benefit of a Green Building
With a rise in interest in the Green Movement worldwide, people are trying to change and mend every aspect they can. Many non-profits and other companies have focused on waste, i.e. reusable water bottles, and its impact on the environment. Others have focused on large industries like the construction industry. Worldwide, the construction industry consumes 40% of total energy production, 12- 16% of all water available, 32% of non-renewable and renewable resources, 25% of all timber, 40% of all raw materials, produces 30-40% of all solid wastes, and emits 35-40% of carbon dioxide (CO2) (Son et al., 2011; Berardi, 2013). With high numbers like these new green buildings have been seen as a solution to the pollution problem. This movement has sparked interest in many people because they know there is little time to make a big difference, and with the given numbers it is clear that buildings play a big role in the climate change problem. The problem at the moment is trying to get more stakeholders to understand the situation and show them as is and is not tangible when attempting to make this big of a change. When comparing studies, and only selecting the reoccurring benefits found, a large number of benefits have been found. For example; reduced carbon/greenhouse gas emissions, reduced construction and demolishing wastes, reduced construction costs, setting standards for future design and construction, preservation of natural resources, improved performance of the national economy, enhanced occupants’ health and comfort, and energy saving. With clear evidence from conducted studies that support many theses about green buildings, it is up to the general public worldwide to take responsibility for their home, planet earth, and the home of future generations.