Takeaways from Environmental Journalism

By Julia Phillips

We read an article about how National Geographic hired someone to read their work and see if they were racist. They found that there were a lot of issues and when their new issue came out it was all voices from people of color telling their stories. It was a major improvement from their past stories but still not perfect. The stories were all somber, which is common problem. We learned that there are no happy stories told about people of color which can be racist. In the future this could change showing how much journalism has changed in the past and into the future. It is important to have diversity with the people you interview and cite. It makes the story well rounded and helps reduce bias. 

Annabel Gorman said “One drawback is that podcasts are not regulated, meaning that anyone can say anything” (Podcasts: A tool for Freedom of Speech or Misinformation). Podcasts not being regulated can lead to more biases. People can be unaware if the author is credible and what they believe in. Podcasts are changing the way journalism is made as well. Creators can make the stories more interesting and include interviews. Podcasts are longer than radio minutes and can lay out the story for the listener. 

Kathleen Goldhar was interviewed by Sheelagh Caygill said “She adds that a lot of people don’t read a lot online, and so this makes podcasting an essential part of journalism” (Podcasting now an integral part of journalism). Here, we can see that podcast have changed and influenced a new age of journalism. When finding this source, I focused on diversity as we learned throughout the semester to research the author as well.


Gorman, Annabel. “Podcasts: A Tool for Freedom of Speech or Misinformation?” 22 Oct. 2021.

Ogrysko, Michael O’Connell and Nicole. “It’s All Journalism.” PodcastOne, https://www.podcastone.com/its-all-journalism. 

“Podcasting Changing Journalism • Communicate Influence.” Communicate Influence, 21 Aug. 2020, https://communicateinfluence.com/how-podcasting-is-changing-the-face-of-journalism/. 

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