Gettysburg Farmers Market Advertisement

September 24, 2021

By: Tori Yantsos

On September 11 2021, Gettysburg students walked to the local Farmer’s Market to listen to locals and Farmer’s Market personnel explain how the environmental impact of the market is advertised to the local community.  

The stand provided fresh vegetables for everyone to enjoy

The smell in the air was the food trucks making early morning tacos and donuts. The atmosphere was very vibrant and happy as people of all ages and  backgrounds stopped by the market to shop or just spend the time. The noise in the market was filled with people talking, the live band playing, or the buses pulling in and out of the station right next to the market. 

I wanted to learn how people were getting involved in SNAP or healthy options in regards to the Farmer’s Market, and how their impact of buying food from the market instead of using food stamps from a grocery store, helps the environment and themselves more. 

Talking and listening to people I found out that most people hear about the market through word of mouth. “I personally think the market has grown because more people come and then tell their friends about it then their friends want to come especially if they are a low income family, it is more convenient for them” (The apple cider vendor). 

There are not many advertisements up about the market in town and not too much information about the SNAP program anywhere, even if you go to the Farmer’s Market website, it just says they accept it. “I actually take responsibility for the website not being fully equipt with all of the information about our different programs, how to join them, and what exactly they are. I should add more information so more people are aware of the options they have” (Reza Djalal). 

When going to hospitals or different shelters they recommend people to the market using SNAP or the healthy eating option so people know their options with the money and resources that they have.

“I was actually thinking about making a Tik Tok or having the help of a young person create a Tik Tok for the Farmer’s Market because I feel like that would get the word out better and people could actually see what it is, where it is, and why so many people like it” (Reza Djalal). 

A freshman on the women’s basketball team went to the Farmer’s Market during the second weekend of school and said “I did not think I was going to find much there, but I actually found a huge watermelon that my friends and I ate later that day and it was amazing. I’m definitely going back with my friends”. 

Since the people the market sells to are so happy and consistently coming back, the market is getting bigger and bigger through local people talking to each other. The market itself is great for local businesses to expand their name, brand, and make more money while having loyal customers. 

The Farmer’s Market allows people of low income communities to be able to afford a lot of food for not as much money and also they are creating a better carbon footprint since everything in the Farmer’s Markets are all naturally made.

The market itself is in a very convenient location because it is located in between Lincoln Diner and North Stratton street where 20-30 stands are capable of setting up in order to sell their goods. Buying things is also very easy even if you do not have cash. 

If the market took a little more time to advertise to the entire town of Gettysburg and not just rely on the customers of the market to do that, they would get a much bigger crowd and with a wide range of economical statuses.

After 10 years of business, their best year on record was 2020 during covid. They were able to increase their number of customers by 40%, and in 2021 they plan on having an increase of 50%. 

Overall the Farmer’s Market is a great place to buy food that is environmentally and economically friendly, while also eating well. The future of the Farmers Markets expansion is looking bright and only going to continue growing.

The band that performs for the entire market

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