Spencer Myler

A trip to Sedona, Arizona

About Me

Hello everyone! My name is Spencer Myler, and I am a sophomore Business Major with a minor in Environmental Studies. I was born in Morristown, New Jersey, but I have grown up in both Chatham and Mountain Lakes New Jersey. When I first realized I was interested in and had a connection to the environment it was when I went on my yearly vacation to the U.S. Virgin Islands of St John. While I was there I was able to snorkel and experience a lot of marine life first-hand and as I grew older I started to understand and notice the effects of environmental issues such as coral bleaching and warming ocean temperatures. As I learned about these issues through my frequent trips, I also began to learn about other environmental issues such as plastic and ocean pollution, sustainability, and deforestation through classes such as AP Environmental in high school. All of this sparked an interest in me and I decided that I would want to continue my studies here at Gettysburg College as an ES minor. Through taking the environmental journalism course I hope I will be able to communicate the importance of caring for the environment that we call home. I also am looking forward to learning how journalists are able to convey information to people in a way that grabs their attention and makes them want to read about it.

Outside of class, I am a part of the Men’s basketball team and enjoy traveling to places I have never been before.

My Blogs

“The Ups and Downs of College Radio, Will it Last?”– I discuss the benefits of maintaining and keeping college radio up and running but also get into the challenges that are affecting its popularity and existence.

“The eruption and emergence of online journalism”
– I discuss the emergence of online journalism due to upgrades in technology and how traditional news is unable to compete with the many new media features.

“Risk Communication, The Dangers to Framing, and the Crawley’s”– I discuss how risk communication and framing play a massive role in the way that people interpret information and make decisions in this specific case of the Crawley couple.

My Stories

“Sustainability Practices and Market Growth at the Adam’s County Farmers Market”– I discuss the importance of eating local, seasonal foods and their relation to sustainability as well as describe the growth of farmer’s markets over the years.

“Attacking Plastic Pollutants One Step At A Time”– I discuss the major negative impacts of plastic pollution and what we can do as students at Gettysburg College to make an impact.

Attacking Plastic Pollutants One Step At A Time