Gissel Quechol-Raya

About me!

Hola a todos! Hello everyone! I am a junior at Gettysburg College from New York City. My passion for environmental studies came from wanting to inform others about what was happening in different places around the globe. I have a double major in Environmental Studies and Spanish/Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino Studies (LACLS). My interest in environmental studies comes from my identity of being Mexican American. I am invested in wanting to learn more about the environmental issues in other countries of Latin America or the Caribbean. Much of my classes in both majors have indeed allowed me to learn both in English and Spanish about the culture that many nations have and how they view nature.

My passion for environmental studies started in high school when I learned about the impacts of global warming and climate change. I enjoy communicating to others in either language about what is happening around the globe. My hope is to use journalism as a form of communication not only for those who speak English but those who also speak Spanish. My passion for environmental justice is what allows me to be interested in indigenous rights and how governments have hindered their relationship with nature as well as damaged their cultures.

Here I am with one of the students from El Centro, a program in which I am the PLA for K-3rd grade!

My Blogs!

Here are some pieces I have worked on during class.

Does fake news exist? – This blog is about the truth on fake news and whether should such a label of “fake news” exist. It encompasses topics such as Covid-19 and the reports social media being the main source of the news outlet.

What Defines Multimedia Storytelling? – The importance of learning the changes that journalism has come to and how to properly create a multimedia story. Tips on the importance of allowing to explore multiple features for a story that allows for readers to engage.

Streaming Services Cause Environmental Impacts – The insights into what environmental impacts are caused to do our transfer to more technology-based platforms for music and social media. Acknowledging the impacts can make us reconsider what platforms to use and how much storage is being used.

My Stories!

Journalist piece that I have co-authored with Isaias Martinez.

Story 1: Adams County Farmers Market’s Relocation Threatens Food Access in Gettysburg, PA

Isaias and I put together this post based on the Adams County Farmers Market because it is currently going to be relocated. Our focus on the relocation is how do vendors see themselves being impacted by the relocation and which of the two leading contenders is a better option. Farmers’ markets are important for the accessibility and sustainability of locally produced food. With this said, the relocation of the market may benefit some customers but also hinder others.

Story 2: Servo To-go, In This Economy?

Isaias and I put a story together of the impacts of Covid-19 on making dining centers to-go during the school year 2020-2021. We investigate the environmental impacts plastics can have on the community and the public health impacts caused by plastics and microplastics. In doing so, sustainability is also explored as this current academic year only Bullet remained with to-go options yet there is an environmental and sustainable consciousness when ordering to-go meals.

My Features!

Here is the link for my feature story.
