Christopher Trilleras

About me

Hello everyone! My name is Christopher Trilleras and I am currently a senior majoring in Environmental Studies with a concentration in policy at Gettysburg College. Being a former member of the Environmental Leadership Program with the Eisenhower Institute, I am really passionate about environmental research. Specifically, I enjoy applying social science research methods and working a research team to plan and implement a field study. Through this program, members of the research team took an environmental justice approach to assess the connection between race and unequal access to environmental amenities, such as the relationship between public parking availability and beach usage rates for people of color. The program has made me become more passionate about environmental justice and an advocate for a healthy environment! I am strong believer that environmental science should be communicated consistently with the public to keep citizens educated but also influencing sustainable behavior in the face of climate change.

This semester I learned about different aspects of journalism and how it plays a crucial role in presenting information and communicating to the public. I enjoyed creating stories that are both engaging and have important information that can help both the environment and the public. My favorite part of crafting a story is going through the story boarding process because it similar to selecting peaces for a puzzle. Also I love learning about differing perspectives about a topic via interviews. Through this class I was able to learn skills such as communication about a scientific topic to the public, engaging in research, and collaborating with a team. I believe these skills will help me grow in the environmental field in the future.

Programs - The Eisenhower Institute at Gettysburg College
Environmental research team at a turtle rehabilitation centre
Me exploring the city of Boston

I have always enjoyed being outside and taking in natural beauties of the environment around me. I hope through this course to learn how to express my writing in an engaging and creative way that too encourages readers to internalize the wonderful planet that we are able to call home.

On campus, I have been a part of the rugby team, club soccer, Eisenhower Institute for Environmental research and Phi Gamma Delta.  

The Blog!

Take a look at the pieces that I have written pertaining what I have learnt in class:

Advocacy Journalism Versus Good Journalism

Elements of Good Multimedia Storytelling

Advancements in Environmental Journalism

My Stories!

Journalistic pieces of mine:

Story 1: The Nexus for Tourism and Sustainable Agriculture: Adams County Farmers Market In this story I write about the time our environmental journalism class visited the farmers market in Adams County to write our first story. This focuses on vibrant connection between farmer and local shopper. This relationship is built in the wonderful setting that the market provides. These moments also serve as an educational opportunity for consumers to learn how their foods and vegetables are made and ask any questions or concerns. Witness reactions of the some of the market vendors, customers, and market director regarding the atmosphere and significance of farmers market!

Story 2: Can Adams County Roll With Biking? Discover the existing biking infrastructure that is in place in the borough of Adams County, Gettysburg PA! Learn about the benefits of biking for both the environment and community health. Read about strategies that other similar towns are utilizing to transform their community to have biking as a choice of transportation!

My Feature!

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My feature story is an extension of my story 2 with multiple aspects of media such as video, maps, new images, and sound. In this feature, I use media to help demonstrate the benefits of biking and discuss the current network in Gettysburg, PA that could allow more biking lanes. Learn about how useful biking is in promoting sustainability, improving public health, and much more! Also learn about the current issue with modern automobile transportation and why there must be a greener infrastructure .
