Alexis Jones

2021 Summer Trip to King & Queen Seat in Jarrettsville, MD

Hello Future Readers, 

My name is Alexis Jones and I am a sophomore Environmental Studies, Sociology major, and Peace & Justice Studies Minor at Gettysburg College. My hometown is Hanover, Pennsylvania. During my early years of education, I was not taught the importance of environmental protection; however, when I came to college I had the opportunity to take participate in the Eisenhower Institute Environmental Leadership program and take an environmental science class which sparked my passion for sustainability and environmental protection. As I learn more, I hope to use my blog as a space to educate my readers on how their actions have tangible effects on our environment and that they can be a part of the solution. My future career plans are to work in environmental law/policy or within environmental grassroots movements. 

On-campus, I am the Vice President of the Black Student Union, Parlimentarian of Student Senate, and the Communication Liasion for the Peace & Justice Studies Council. I work on campus for the Garthwait Leadership Center as an outdoor facilitator where I get to help facilitate group bonding and team development as well as explore the outdoors through backpacking, camping, hiking, and kayaking trips. These experiences have helped shape my understanding of communication, collaboration, and diversity and have given me better insight on the ways different social issues effective different groups of people.

Thank you for visiting my site and I hope you enjoy my writing!


Does the Rise of the Internet Mean the Fall of Journalism? – This post analyzes the shift from traditional journalism to online journalism. What are the negatives of this shift? What are the advantages of this new platform?

The Small, But Mighty: College Radio – This blog post explores the present challenges in college radio as media forms have turned away from college radio as a news source and explores why college radio is still a vital media source.

Misinformation and Race in Journalism: Response to Annabel Gorman’s Podcasts Blog Post – This response serves to analyze the dangers of misinformation in media and looks at specific examples of how a lack of diversity and racial prejudice hinders good journalism.

Story 1: Adams County Farmer’s Market Tackles Food Access and Affordability

Community members experiencing environmental injustices are supported by the local Gettysburg farmer’s market. Last Saturday, September 11th, Gettysburg College Environmental Studies Journalism students visited the market to learn about how community members are supported by the plethora of food access and affordability programs available.

Story 2: The Inconvenience of Convenience

What is the balance between environmental protection and convenience? This op-ed will explore this balance through the lens of single-use plastic water bottles as a public health and environmental concern.

Check out my Multimedia Story!

The Inconvenience of Convenient Plastic is an extension of my story The Inconvenience of Convenience.

Convenience is killing the planet and you. We’ve all got to drink water but our desire for convenience when we grab a single-use plastic water bottle is a bigger inconvenience to your health and the planet.

This story explores our societal and personal relationships with convenience and environmental protection in specific regard to single-use plastic. What role do our personal actions play? How should we balance convenience and personal protection? What effect is plastic having on your personal health? How about the environment’s health?
