
This website is part of an undergraduate elective course offered within the Environmental Studies department at Gettysburg College, ES 241: Environmental Journalism.

This website is a collaborative effort of the class to grapple with the theory and practice of environmental journalism. From weekly blog posts that respond to readings that illuminate the historical and sociopolitical contexts of environmental communication and consider the art of writing, to reporter webpages that demonstrate the journalistic skills of its participants, this website aims to dive right into the spaces where media meets the environment and welcomes you into the conversation.

The course uses two textbooks:

It also invites lots of hands-on experiences through field trips such as to:

  • The Adams County Farmer’s Market in downtown Gettysburg where we get to report on our first news story.
  • National Public Radio’s WITF Headquarters in Harrisburg, PA, where we’ll interact with editor of StateImpace Pennsylavania, Scott Blanchard.
  • The Local College Radio, WZBT’s Station on campus where we’ll record our Radio Minute.

Follow along on our adventures by checking out the blog posts, and the student webpages!
