Alternative Media Discussion Questions (Part II)

by Emily Kurtz, Charlie Reisman and Nate Doherty

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  1. What scenes (if any) from the film Angry Inuk did you find most effective or impactful? Thinking about our discussion of what makes media persuasive, do you feel this piece is accomplished?
  2. Examine the film and its scenes more closely. What journalistic purpose do you think the film Angry Inuk serves? Would you consider the Angry Inuk film a form of alternative media? Why or why not?
  3. The film stresses how the hunting of seals is often misconstrued and out of context such as the Seal hunt in Nova Scotia, how can people better understand indigenous peoples and their ways of life without actually being there?
  4. Are there any advantages or disadvantages of digital technology and journalism that we have not really touched on yet this semester that you’ve now recognized through reading Gilpin’s “Chapter 3: Journalism of tomorrow” and watching the film for today?
  5. With all of the information gathered from this week’s readings (history included), where do you believe the future of journalism is headed?

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