The History of Modern Environmentalism Discussion

By Max Lulavy and Ryan Wagner, November 16th, 2019

Photo Credit: Shawn Hartley

Discussion Questions

  1. What does Neuzil mean in saying, “persuasive materials are important to the communication strategies of social movements?” (pg. 154). What is considered persuasive materials? What makes them essential/influential in social movements?  
  2. Why has film become such an essential tactic in creating social change? In what ways can film say more than written work, and how was it used in the Dinosaur National Monument campaign?  
  3. Examples of  modern environmentalism aren’t thought to occur before the writing of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring in 1962, when the movement was thought to be started. In what ways does the damn conflict at the Dinosaur National Monument in the 1950’s represent modern environmentalism? Who were the groups who joined forces to fight the creation of dams and what was the significance of their collaborative effort?
  4. Who are the different stakeholders involved in the dam conflict at the Dinosaur National Monument? Which of these stakeholders continue to face issues involving water shortages to this day?
  5. What are some causes of the acceleration in environmental murders? How can this be combatted at a local, regional, and international level?  

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