
On the Chesapeake Bay | Photo Provided by Sarah Westrick

Hey there! I’m Sarah, a sophomore here at Gettysburg College. I am an Environmental Studies and English double major (or thats the plan at least). I have lived in Baltimore my entire life and have thus grown up with an affinity for the Chesapeake Bay and the surrounding ecosystems. In high school I worked for the school newspaper and tutored students in the writing center, but this is my first time working on a blog. Check out my stuff below!


The Napalm Girl Matters More Today Than Ever Before

“The Napalm Girl” is a Pulitzer prize winning photograph which depicts Vietnamese civilians fleeing from deadly napalm. What does this image mean in the context of the current era and its use of chemical weapons?

We Are What We Eat On Campus: A Look at Food Sustainability at Gettysburg College

A partner and I take a look at factors food waste and dining at Gettysburg to highlight areas of strength as well as call attention to areas of improvement in our eating habits on campus.

Health and the Planet on a Meal Plan?

Check out my third story, a website, featuring a vlog and a quiz! Look more into eating sustainably, intersected this time with the idea of eating for health as well.

Blog Posts

How We View Climate Danger Matters

A New Form of Media

What About the ‘Gram: A Response to Kenzie Smith’s “Multimedia Journalism: How We See The Story”

Other Sites
