
Kenzie among re-natured ruins in Agena, Greece

About me!

Hi there! My name is Kenzie Smith and I’m a senior at Gettysburg College, pursuing dual majors in Environmental Science and Public Policy with a minor in Writing. 

Ever since I could read, I’ve loved to write. As an imaginative child, I enjoyed the idea of sharing my own thoughts and tales, and wrote many short stories and poems. My love of writing continues today, and ever expands into new forms. 

I signed up for Environmental Journalism to gain a better understanding of scientific communication and journalistic writing. I’m excited to be combining my love of writing with my passion for environmental issues. Check out some of my stories below!

My Stories!

In “Want to Become an Environmental Journalist? ‘Do Great Work’ Everywhere!,” Mckenzie Somers, Emily Kurtz and I wrote a piece that examined the fraught and unexpected paths one can take to become an environmental journalist in the modern day. With advice from a current National Geographic journalist, we relayed the message that the most important thing in this career field is not working for the top news outlet or having a fancy title, but doing exceptional work in whatever position you are in.

In “Do Garbage Work: Addressing Food Waste on Gettysburg College Campus,” Kiki Wallick and I discuss food waste on campus. With expert interviews and average student perspectives, we get the inside scoop on the causes of food waste and all the solutions available. The basis: students need to step up their game!

In How the Servo Cookie Crumbles: Food sustainability on Gettysburg College Campus, I further expand the discussion of food waste and overall food sustainability on campus in the form of a multi-media website, with feature articles and visual features.

The Blog!
