
About me:

Hi everyone! I am a junior at Gettysburg College, studying Environmental Studies, with a minor in Cinema and Media Studies. I’m interested in how we can communicate environmental ideas using different forms of media and environmental journalism is the perfect place to start. Thanks for checking the posts out!

I worked at a state park in New Jersey over the past summer!

The Blog:

My first blog post focuses on ‘fake news’; the definition of it and how it is harming our news sources today.

My second blog post discusses the risks in journalism and how framing influences the readers, using articles about school-age children and climate change as examples.

My Stories:

‘Journalism Today: Sturdy Advice for an Ever-Changing Field’ is a story co-written by Olivia Chatowsky. What’s it like to work for NatGeo? What is some advice for beginning journalists? Answers in this story.

Story 3 will be located here 🙂. Written by myself and Olivia Chatowsky.
