
About me:

Hi everyone! My name is Charlie Reisman, and I am a junior at Gettysburg College. I am an environmental Studies major and Anthropology minor. I have always been fascinated with weather and especially with natural disasters such as hurricanes.  I am from New Orleans, so hurricanes have played a major role in my life and no other hurricane has made a bigger impact on me than hurricane Katrina. I am interested in becoming a lawyer and possibly becoming an environmental lawyer or toxic tort litigation with Superfund sites and working closely with the EPA.


1.Interviewing: the right way

2. Feature Writing: Coastal Erosion 

3. Bird Hats: How Media Influenced Change 


1. Dorian, a near miss: what could have been a modern-day hurricane Katrina 

My first story is about the field trip we took as a class to the Newseum and National Geographic headquarters in Washington DC. There were many areas of the Newsuem that focused on hurricane Dorian and hurricane Katrina. I live in New Orleans, so Katrina was a major part of my life and i wanted to write a story about how Dorian could have been the next Katrina if it had made a direct landfall with the United States.

2. The Rainforest of the Ocean: Why Should We Care About Coral Reefs? By Max Lulavy, Charlie Reisman, Ryan Wagner

This story explains the importance of coral reef habitats all over the world and how they are dying at alarming rates by coral bleaching due to rising sea temperatures, salinity of ocean, and ph levels due to climate change.

3. A History of Coral Bleaching: How the Past has Shaped the Current (In)Stability of Coral Reefs By Max Lulavy, Charlie Reisman, Ryan Wagner

Same story but went into more detail about history of coral bleaching the human impacts that reefs have on people all over the world from food and income.


