
A little about me!

A photo from my time in Israel.

Hello and thank you for visiting this page! I am currently a junior environmental studies major at Gettysburg College interested in environmental activism and journalism. I love to travel and experience new things, especially if I can learn something along the way. Writing has always been and important part of my life, as I believe being a strong writer is necessary to be successful in anything you do. While I am a science major focusing on the environment, I have a passion for activism and trying to come up with ways to effectively convey scientific information to the public effectively. As part of that effort, I have begun writing more journalistic pieces covering a wide range of topics. If you are interested in reading them, they are linked below!


The Blog:

These are pieces about things that have peaked my interest.

Why Less is Sometimes More

The Odd Man Out: Advocacy in Journalism

My Stories:

Articles that have been written with Mariam Traore.

Go Big or Go Home: The Need for Flexibility in the Digital Era

This piece, co-authored with fellow journalist Mariam Traore, provides coverage on a recent field trip taken by Gettysburg College journalism students. It focuses on the central theme of flexibility in journalism, a concept echoed thorough the trip.

The Gettysburg Climate Strike: The Power of Activism

This piece delves into the effect of a recent climate strike on Gettysburg College’s Campus and includes several interviews and a radio segment.

