Alternative Media Discussion Questions

by Jourdynn Cooper, Sarah Westrick, and Kiki Wallick | November 18, 2019

A. Alternative media is often defined by what it is not. What characteristics are present throughout all forms of alternative media? What are its common goals? Additionally, what role does objectivity play in alternative media? Can alternative media be objective? Should it be?

B. The film Angry Inuk would be considered alternative media. Hamilton (2000) describes alternative media as, “foregoing the comfortable, depoliticizing formulas to advocate programs of social change.” In what ways is Angry Inuk alternative media? How does the film interact with the corporate mainstream?

C. Angry Inuk is directed by Alethea Arnaquq-Baril, an indigenous woman. In ‘Chapter 2: Objectivity’, Gilpin discusses the differences between western and indigenous journalists. With the knowledge of the director of the film, how do you think the film would have differed if directed by a western person versus an indigenous person?

D. Alternative media certainly has a different lense to offer than media produced by larger corporations. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of both types of production? Is one “better” than the other?


Hamilton, J. 2000. Alternative Media: Conceptual Difficulties, Critical Possibilities. Journal of Communication Inquiry 24(4): 357-78.

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